
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Aristotles’ Philosophy of Man †Self-Realization Essay Example

Aristotles’ Philosophy of Man – Self-Realization Essay Aristotles’ Philosophy of Man – Self-Realization Brief History about Aristotle Aristotle (384 BC 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher. He was a student of Plato and a teacher of Alexander the Great. Aristotle wrote a lot covering subjects which include physics, metaphysics, theater, poetry, music, linguistics, rhetoric, logic, politics, ethics and biology. His writings were among the first to be considered a comprehensive system of Western philosophy encompassing logic, morality, politics and metaphysics. Along with Socrates and Plato, Aristotle is one of the most important founding individuals in Western philosophy. Aristotle’s father was in the medical profession. This perhaps made an impact on Aristotle as his philosophy laid its principal stress on biology unlike Plato whose emphasis is on mathematics. â€Å"Aristotle regarded the world as made up of individuals (substances) occurring in fixed natural kind (species). Each individual has its built-in specific pattern of development and grows toward proper self-realization as a specimen of its type. Growth, purpose, and direction are thus built into nature. Although science studies general kinds, according to Aristotle, these kinds find their existence in particular individuals. Science and philosophy must therefore balance, not simply choose between, the claims of empiricism (observation and sense experience) and formalism (rational deduction). ?One of the most distinctive of Aristotles philosophic contributions was a new notion of causality. Self-Realization Explained Merriam Websters dictionary defines self-realization as â€Å"the fulfillment by oneself of the possibilities of ones character or personality. † The theory of self-realization is that a life of excellence is based on the actualization of human potentialities. We will write a custom essay sample on Aristotles’ Philosophy of Man – Self-Realization specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Aristotles’ Philosophy of Man – Self-Realization specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Aristotles’ Philosophy of Man – Self-Realization specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In psychology, this is called self-development. † Oftentimes, we interchangeably use the following: self-realization = self-development = self-actualization The basic premise of self-realization is that there exists an authentic self which has to be discovered by psychological or spiritual self-striving. Self-realization can be gradual or instantaneous phenomena depending on the school of thought but in all cases it involves extensive preparation of mind and emotions to recognize self-realization when it occurs. Self-realization is a maturing of the ego or personality to accept its own evanescence and thus allow space for the true Self to reveal itself. The moon veiled by clouds is an apt metaphor for the Selfs apparent absence in our everyday lives. The dissolution of the egos obsessive, internal pre-occupations with its psycho-somatic complexes frees the psyches energy to directly experience Reality of the world as it is, free of any assumptions. Eastern Philosophy For the Hindu religion, self-realization (atma-jnana) is knowledge of the true self beyond both delusion and identification with material phenomena. Thoughts on Aristotle’s Theory Aristotle felt that to fully be a man, one must imitate the gods, or immortalize themselves. This will free one from the restrictions of mortal thought. According to Aristotle â€Å"man possesses a natural want for knowledge. Immortalizing oneself aides the desire for knowledge and self-realization. Self-realization leads to happiness. † We can find similar theories in modern day psychologists like Maslow. In his theory of hierarchy of needs, Maslow places self-actualization as the last achievement before reaching true happiness. One issue raised against the ethics of self-realization is that life is not long enough to actualize all our potentials or be â€Å"all that we can be. † The challenge is to live significantly and meaningfully in the here and now, and to matter to people around you. For example, you have the capacity to give each person in Metro Manila a flyer on recycling but it is doubtful that this capacity is one that ought to be developed. Moreover, every year on a particular agreed date, cyclists or bikers all over the country use their bike in an attempt to achieve a feat in the Guinness Book of World Records. From the preceding paragraph, we now ask which capacities should one develop? It is said that we must become intimately, passionately, subjectively aware of everything about our existence. One has to take the leap of faith that full living requires to make yourself vulnerable to all that can happen. Three perspectives in on which capacities should be developed 1. Variety pattern of self-realization: becoming a well-rounded person, learning and doing a little of everything. 2. Dominant theme pattern: concentrate on one major interest and build other interests around it. . Maximum fulfillment of desires: people are born (naturalism) with innate purposes, ends, and goals, and excellence is achieved by fulfilling these natural human wants. We now posit the ideal of self-realization: the maximally coherent system of mutually harmonious fulfillment, either of the Variety or Dominant Theme Pattern, depending upon one’s personality and abilities. Another thing to consider is that the activities we do should be consistent with society and the activities do us no harm.? Carl Rogers’ definition of a full-functioning person runs along the statement that any experience, emotional, perceptual, or rational, should be consistent and congruent with the person’s concept of who he is. † In sum, self-actualization is a process of discovering important needs and goals, both personal and social, finding creative and enjoyable ways of meeting these goals this is the way the individual attains significance. Self-Realization in Business Today Self-realization is defined as the drive to become what one is capable of at his or her fullest potential, often-aligned in management parlance with self- fulfillment. The self-realized person is characterized as having a high level of self-knowledge, an integrated personality that allows for self-expression, an acceptance and tolerance of human nature, and a greater awareness of the human condition. The actualization of personal moral ideals affects participation in socially useful and ethically acceptable work. Simms, Michele. Self–Realization. Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society: â€Å"The discussion of self-realization, with its roots in humanistic psychology, suggests that the concept be examined at a deeper level to fully realize its role in informing business ethics and society. For one, humanistic psychology emphasizes the role of personal change in self-discovery and in the identifying of ones place in society. There is a continuing need to remind business and society of the dignity and worth of being human—something that gets lost in the day-to-day machinations of doing business. In a broader sense, the question of what it means to be human is quite relevant at a time of assessing the impacts of corporate megamergers and multinational and transnational companies, which can leave employees feeling disenfranchised, adding to the feelings of alienation. Maintaining self-realization as part of management and business practice keeps the focus on human capital as a resource that benefits business and society. Second, the role of self-realization in workplace autonomy, creativity, and innovation suggests that managers understand that people are not only productive assets but also social beings. There is recognition that employee performance is related to employee achievement of personal effectiveness. The conditions that lead to peak performance and peak experience, associated with high-performing teams and effective leadership, are part of the operationalizing of self-realizing individuals. Third, inherent in the work of self-realizing is the articulation of those virtues that comprise and guide ones ethical choices. Entering into an understanding of ones own potential reveals the larger network of relationships that has shaped ones worldview. For example, a persons religion, family, ethnic, and cultural affiliations influence and shape his or her attitudes to and behaviors comprising right and wrong. This is not an abstract reality; rather, it shapes the strategic choices that culminate in daily business operations. Since business does not function independent of its social environment, the actions that result from self-realized individuals inform the social contract. Finally, self-realization is often linked to transformation. Transformation occurs when ordinary perspectives shift and the person gains new insights and self-understanding. Self-realization as a transformative process is about how a person can reach his or her fullest potential and how that potential translates as service to society. Todays social entrepreneurs and social venture partners are examples. Noted as part of the citizen sector movement committed to closing the business-social gap, social entrepreneurs and social venture partners bring entrepreneurial talent to the addressing of social problems. The need for a strong ethical fiber is cited as a necessary ingredient to the success of these ventures. Self-realization is about ones own authenticity and values and how those values influence ones daily ethical approach to business transactions. This is in contrast, and perhaps an antidote, to the excessive greed and egoism evident in many corporate organizations today.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Drought and Its Effect on Okra Production Essays

Drought and Its Effect on Okra Production Essays Drought and Its Effect on Okra Production Essay Drought and Its Effect on Okra Production Essay Drought and Its types Okra ( Blabbermouths esculents L. Moneys) Is an Important vegetable grown In Pakistan and developing world d and is equally favorite among the rich and poor. Due to its flower structure it is responsive to breed inning and selection, but I iterative on the genetics of drought tolerance in this eve getable is not frequent .NET available. Drought Is a condition in which solo moisture contents are too low or tightly attracted by solo particle (due to rower osmotic potential) so that plant cannot w outdraw it or even if it absorbs it cannot meet its transpiration demands. There are different types of dry ought depending upon the growth stage of plant at which it occurs (Gestational, teal. 2007; stanza 2007; Kronor 2008). The stress that o occurs at seedling stage or during development phase may be called as early drought. Such type of drought usually reduces the crop stand and as a result it damages yield due to 10 were than optimum plant population (Ashram 2005). However, farmers usually respond to this drought by replanting their crops Massy and Dialog, 2001). This type of street ss has been proved Lethe al for early maturing varieties (Massy and Dialog, mom the stress while late maturing varieties have enough time to recover. Drought occurring during Vega dative growth period is ca Lied as vegetative phase drought. This type of drought affects plants assimilation organs, which usually decrease in number and size resulting in lower photos haunted production (Kaiser, 1987; Shaves, 1991; Larches, 1995; Shaves et al. 2002). As a result yield decreases due to less amount f assimilate available e to the developing pods. The third type of stress De plops during bud formation, FL erring and grain filling period. It reduces yield due to abortion of ovule, embryo and sterility of pollen. Review of previous literature showed that this type of drought has the highest detrimental affects on pod yield (Aimed , 2003; Shadows 2006; Gestational, 2007). However, the highest affect on yield was recorded when drought was found to occur during flowering and pod formation. MBA www and Daddies (1987) found the greatest

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Western civilization.Persian Empire,Greece and Ancient Rome Essay

Western civilization.Persian Empire,Greece and Ancient Rome - Essay Example Modern civilization today seems to be far from the world of ancient history where stone and man were the fundamental building blocks of technology, but when examined closely, that is not actually so. Modern civilization can trace its routes quite clearly to ancient history, one civilization after the other, with each influencing the next and all subsequent empires, in terms of both innovation and invention. Perhaps one of the most advanced empires of its time, in terms of technological development and innovation, was the Persian Empire, which occupies the area now held by modern Iran. This was perhaps due to the fact that their own technological innovations and ideas were greatly helped in development due to the natural resources available in the area. The Persian empire can not only be attributed to inventions such as the Qanat, a water irrigation system, windmills, or even the earliest batteries – which were possibly used for purposes such as electroplating – but also to a great number of technological advances, in terms of weapons as well as art and architecture. The Persians had managed to develop their ancient tools of knives and bows and arrows into stronger, more advanced weapons made of hard metal by the rule of Darius. This included both weapons, such as the metallic dagger and swords, as well as armor, such as shields and helmets. Persian architecture included the use of cider instead of stone, allowing them to create tall, high structure, supported by thinner and more delicate, yet stronger, beams than other buildings of the era. The Persians can also be attributed to having invented history’s first pontoon bridge. Many of these inventions served as inspiration for future development and some of them are in fact still used today, but in a technologically more advanced form. As advanced as the Persians might have been in their own time however, there is absolutely no doubt as to incredibly advanced level of innovation and inventio n held by the Greeks. Inventor and mathematicians such as Heronas, who was the mind behind modern day hydraulic systems as well as many other machines and automation systems, was also attributed to having invented and developed the world’s first steam engine. The steam engine, in its developed modern form, was one of the most milestone inventions for modern western civilization as it provided a complete turn of mechanism from the ancient days of doing everything by hand. It created a clear divide between the age of man and the age of machines, with modern civilization developing rapidly and dramatically after its invention. Indeed many of our inventions today can trace its route back to the steam engine, or can at least accredit it to being the inspiration behind them. The principal behind jet propulsion is indeed the exact principle behind the ancient Greek version of Heronas’s steam engine. Rotary mills, screw presses and the use of gears and screws may also be attri buted to the Greek inventors of 5th Century BC. Perhaps the most significant period of Greek impact on modern civilization is the Hellenistic period, or the Age of Alexander, where the modern western of civilization finds its roots in not only technological impacts, but also in terms of philosophy, science, politics and literature. In the Hellenistic period, scientist focused more on the practical aspect of science, dwelling into practical experiments, rather than focusing only on theoretical debate, which was more the focus of classic era scientists such as Plato and Aristotle. Early writings indicated evidence that the Hellenistic scientist Strato had in great detail described the principal and construction of a vacuum, an innovation that would not properly be considered and developed until centuries later in the Renaissance Period. Strato also worked on the principals of acceleration, force, gravity and momentum, all of which are fundamental principals in physics and technology. What made these

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Corporate Finance Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Corporate Finance - Coursework Example However, the application of the IRR technique revealed that the project has an IRR of 20.2% which is less than the rates FCL uses to discount their investments. In consideration of the rate of inflation and the fact that there seem to be no basis for using a 21 per cent and a 26 per cent rate of inflation as suggested in a meeting, the recommendation was made to invest in the project. The basis for this suggestion was that the investment would facilitate an increase in the company’s efficiency. Furthermore, it would help to improve FCL’s image and so allow the company to obtain more contracts and thus increase its revenues. Introduction Investing in a project is not a simple matter. It involves an assessment of different options. If the project relates to an asset for a new idea, this requires consideration of a number of different options which are completely new to the organization. However, if it involves a new piece of equipment to replace an existing one, it requir es consideration of the equipment in use compared to the alternative. FCL is considering whether to replace an old crane which has five (5) years left to be put out of commission with a new ALII Crane. The ALII would allow the company to get additional opportunities in the market which the old crane would not be able to facilitate. It would also be able to produce items faster which mean a faster turnaround time and less production backlog for the company. Purchasing a new piece of equipment normally involves a large capital outflow and so the company’s ability to obtain funds is normally one of the main considerations. However, since financing the project is not a challenge, the focus here is not on obtaining money to finance it. Some of the things to be considered include cash flow and the ability of the company to generate enough revenue to make a profit or to break-even with this investment. Additionally, the project needs to be appraised to determine whether the investme nt will generate the required returns. The project will be assessed in terms of its net present value (NPV) over the ten year period, the payback period and the projects internal rate of return (IRR). Break-even analysis It is important to consider the ability of the company to generate the volume of sales necessary to break-even. The breakeven point is the point at which the company neither makes a profit nor a loss (BPP 2011; Horngren et al. 2000). This is a measure that is frequently used to measure risk in a business (Singh and Deshpande 1982). The ability to generate a profit or to break-even is not the only important issue and so the timing of FCL’s cash flow is also of paramount importance. Cash Flows A projects cash flow is very important. In order to determine the feasibility of the investment the cash flows will have to be evaluated (Emory et al. 2007; Titman et al. 2011). In fact, Popescu (2008) indicates that cash is the lifeblood of a business; therefore, it is i mportant for the people who are placed in authority to pay special attention to cash inflows and outflows and their timing. Cash will flow inwards from sales revenue while cash will flow outwards to pay for expenses that will be incurred on the project. The focus should be on incremental cash flows that are generated from the use of the

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Reasons Why Abortion should not be Legalized Essay

The Reasons Why Abortion should not be Legalized - Essay Example In some countries, abortion is illegal while it is recognized in certain countries. It is a fact that abortions have been carried out whether legally or illegally. However, this is a controversial topic since it is regarded as a serious moral issue which is often viewed as wrong. As such, this argumentative paper seeks to critique an op-ed paper by Antoni which is entitled, ‘Abortion should be legal.’ Antoni takes a pro-abortion stance and argues that the choice should be left to the women to decide to have an abortion or not. Against this background, this paper is going to argue against abortion as suggested by Antoni since I strongly believe that abortion should be illegal. However, Antoni also suggests that abortion should be illegal. The paper will start by summarising the points made in this op-ed paper. The second part seeks to critique why abortion should not be legalized. A synthesis of the whole discussion will be carried at the end of the paper in order to arti culate the position taken by this writer in view of abortion. According to the op-ed article entitled ‘Abortion should be legal,’ there are different reasons why women should be given the opportunity to terminate unwanted pregnancies. This view is also supported by Warton (6) who suggests that abortion should be seen as the last resort for women to gain control of their lives after horrific situations leading to their pregnancies they would have encountered. In some cases, pregnancy is a result of incest or rape and it is advocated that a woman should have a choice of terminating the pregnancy in such a situation. This is seen as a viable alternative of liberating women who would have been traumatized by the experience encountered that could have led to the pregnancy. In the event that the pregnancy is against the mother’s wishes and is beyond her control, I agree that abortion should be treated as the most viable option that can liberate the mother from the sad events leading to the unwanted pregnancy. Tribe (3) also concurs that rape amounts to the denial of liberty to the victim who may live with sad memories or trauma which negatively impacts on her well being. In such as situation, termination of the pregnancy can be advocated. In some circumstances, pregnancy can be terminated if it endangers the life of the fetus or the mother and I share the same view with this idea. It may not be a noble idea to have a deformed child as she may not enjoy the life of a normal human being. In some instances, if the life of the mother is endangered as a result of the pregnancy, it can be terminated at an earlier date to avoid complicating her health which can lead to death. The case of Jane Roe v. Henry Wade is one good example where the US Supreme court upheld that the Constitution of the United States should not permit the government to interfere with a woman’s right to opt for an abortion. However, the anti-thesis statement of this op-ed sug gests that abortion should not be legal because it is immoral. I strongly believe in this assertion given that there is no person with a right to end life. Even a fetus must be given the right to life since its life cannot be simply terminated as a result of the mother’s wrongdoing in some cases. Usually, a child does not apply to be born hence it is the responsibility of the parents to make sure that the child is given the chance to be born alive. It is also my belief that ending life is ungodly given that we are all created in the image of God hence no one should have the right to end life.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Whiskey Ring Scandal

The Whiskey Ring Scandal Was the Whiskey Ring a public scandal? Yes, the Whiskey Ring was in fact a public scandal. This is true according to many different sources, this is because it could not be destroyed because of its strong political connections. The Whiskey Ringwas a group of whiskey distillers, (they were dissolved in 1875) and they made secret plans to defraud the federal government of taxes. They operated mainly in St. Louis, Mo., Milwaukee, Wisconsin andÂÂ   Chicago. The Whiskey Ring pursued Internal Revenue officials and other people involved in the scandal in Washington to keep the liquor profits for themselves. Benjamin H. Bristow, (secretary of the Treasury) had organized an investigation which was meant to be a secret and this idea exposed the ring meaning the results ended in 238 indictments and 110 convictions. Claiming that the idea was illegal, the tax money (which was being held illegally) was being used in the Republican Partys national campaign for President Ulysses S. Grant to be re-elected, which raised suspicion for the public. Although President Grant was not suspected to do this, his private secretary (Orville E. Babcock) was pointed out in the secret plan, but ended up being declared guilty after President Grant testified to his innocence. There were many people involved in The Whiskey Ring scandal. At the time of the scandal, the president of the United States was President Ulysses S. Grant. Grant didnt know about The Whiskey Ring Scandal, but he was responsible for giving jobs to many old friends who ended up being dishonest. President Ulysses S. Grant (original name Hiram Ulysses Grant), was born on April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant. He graduated from West Point in 1843, where he was known as a skilled horseman, but he was not so good of a student. Grant was authorized as a lieutenant in the 4th U.S. Infantry, and he was then stationed at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri which was near St. Louis. After Grant was done with his schooling years, he met his spouse Julia Dent, which was the sister of one of his West Point classmates. After seeing action in the Mexican-American War, President Grant was to return to Missouri and then had married Julia, (his spouse) in August of 1848. The couple had four children together. In th e early years of their his marriage, President Grant was assigned to a series of remote army posts, and some of them were on the West Coast which parted and eventually separated him from his family. He then resigned from the military in 1854. Grant was introduced to the White House during Reconstruction era. As president, Grant tried his hardest to keep a peace bond between the North and South territories. He also supported ideas from former confederate leaders and meanwhile was attempting to help and protect freed slaves civil rights. In the year of 1870, Amendment number 15 was ratified. This amendment gave black men a right to vote. Grant then signed a legislation in order to limit activities of white terrorist groups, like the Ku Klux Klan, which used violence to scare blacks and prevent them from voting in elections. At various times in the chaos, the president stationed federal troops throughout the South to keep law and order. The highly judgmental group involved in the scand al charged that Grants actions violated states rights, while others knew and supported the fact that the president did not do enough to protect freedmen. In 1877, after leaving the White House, President Grant and his family pursued a two-year trip around the world. While they were abroad, they met with dignitaries and cheering crowds in many of the countries they visited. At the Republican National Convention 1880, a group of delegates voted to nominate Grant for president again; but James Garfield (a U.S. congressman from Ohio (1831-1881), ultimately earned the nomination instead of Grant. After those events, Grant went on to win the general election and become the 20th U.S. president. Grant was the U.S. commander of the union armies of the American Civil War during the years of 1864-1865 and the 18th president of the United States. Stated in the article Reconstruction and Corruption in the Grant Administration, When Grant took office he admitted that he lacked political experienc e. In his inaugural address he said, The office has come to me unsought. Grant strongly believed in racial equality, not only in the South, but also in the North. In his inaugural address he spoke in favor of security of a person, property, and free religious and political opinion in every part of our common country. Grant took no action as president to enforce this belief, however, and his motto guided him: Let us have peace.' Grant had a very powerful presence and did his best to be a good president. Next, United States 30th Secretary of the Treasury Benjamin H. Bristow, (he was an American lawyer, the first Solicitor General, a union military officer, reformer, civil rights advocate and a republican party politician). Also, Orville E. Babcock, (which who was acquitted through the personal intervention of the president), 4th, John McDonald (former senator), Last, John B. Henderson, (Co-author of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and government official and United States Senator from Missouri). These individuals were also a part of many more events throughout history. The Whiskey Ring was fast to include hundreds of government officials and also people in the liquor industry throughout the Midwest. The Whiskey Ring that was revealed in May 1875, with its center at St. Louis. The Whiskey Ring scandal had a very simple idea. According to the article named, Secrets of the great Whiskey Ring, Here, in very simple terms, is how the scam worked: Sometime around 1870, government agents charged with keeping an eye on how much whiskey was being made, arranged to ignore a certain percentage of the distillate in return for cash in the amount of roughly half the money the distillery would have paid in taxes.ÂÂ   When straight tax collectors who were not part of the ring were due to call, the distillers were forewarned to play safe and pay up. Whiskey distillers paid federal agents with massive bribes. In return the federal agents helped the distillers evade federal taxes on the whiskey they produced and sold. Whiskey was supposed to be taxed at 70 cents per gallon, but the distillers could pay off agents involved in the ring for 35 cents per gallon. The crooked whiskey was stamped as having its tax paid by the agents and the distiller made great profit. The scandal itself was a group of public officials who defrauded the federal government of liquor taxes. According to Andrew Wanko (Public Historian), Millions of dollars in annual taxes were being siphoned off in an elaborate scandal. The Whiskey Ring involved hundreds of individuals across half the nation. Nearly half of those involved worked though St. Louis, with the rest spread across major cities including Chicago, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, New Orleans and Washington D.C. Among the Conspirators, were storekeepers, distillers, politicians, reporters, U.S. Treasury workers and IRS agents. The corruption stretched all the way to General Orville E. Babcock (Private Secretary), to President Grant and a Whiskey Ring plotter. From 1870 to 1875, the Whiskey Ring was still in effect. Also, many other significant events that happened around the time of The Whiskey Ring, which may have had an impact on this scandal. The first event that happened was The Franco-Prussian War, which was Bismarcks influence on the German states which lead to a year long conflict in which France was defeated against. Another event that occurred in 1870, would be when congress adopts the Fifteenth Amendment. This very much had an impact on The Whiskey Ring. The 15th Amendment of the United States Constitution forbids all governments in the United States from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizens color or race. The 15th amendment was ratified on February 3rd of 1870. What is interesting about this is that there was no mention made of gender, and it then took another 50 years to guarantee that women had a right to vote, with the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920. Another example is John D. Rockefeller. In 1870, he for med the Standard Oil of Ohio company. By 1890, Standard Oil controlled 88% of oil in the U.S. John D. Rockefeller was a chairman and major shareholder, founder, and the company he worked with made him the richest man in history. By the year of 1871, British Columbia became apart of Canada. Last, finally recognized as an imperial territory by Britain, Britain was named British Columbia in 1858, and became part of Canada in 1871. There was a lot of background talk about The Whiskey Ring. This includes the rumors. An example would be that Orville E. Babcock was acquitted through the personal intervention of the president. Many people believed that The Whiskey Ring was part of a plot to finance the Republican party by fraud but this rumor was actually never proven. There were also various rumors that people involved in The Whiskey Ring in St. Louis were openly advertising that the prosecutors would not be pressed until the end, because if they were they would reach the white house. The rumors about The Whiskey ring were an issue. They were causing problems. Due to President Grants incompetency and the other sandals within his administration, by the end of year 1874, President Grant was no longer popular among his people. Although he was thinking about running for a third term, he had once told the congress that he was in fact not prepared for the office at all. In fact, people within his administration were without hope, in result of some of the people he had chosen to work with him. The rumors of The Whiskey Ring were coming to a truth and many people at the White House were relieved when Browstow was appointed to the Treasury. Bristow was a very well respected man. One of his first acts of Treasury was to grant money to highly sort out the alleged corruption within the Internal Revenue Service. With the help from news and papermen in St. Louis, Treasury (Bristow), was about to crack the ring wide open. During The Whiskey ring, the government was specifically affected by the Republican party, which contributed to the national weariness of Reconstruction which had ended after Grants presidency with the compromise of 1877. The Whiskey Ring was a cause and effect event, just like many. Soon after the Civil War, taxes were raised to some very high levels. In some cases, the price of liquor was raised up to eight times the price. Meaning people had to pay way more than normal price. Grant was not directly involved in the scandal but his reputation was damaged, as a result. The scandal, along with other abuses of power by the Republican party, contributed to national weariness of Reconstruction, which ended after Grants presidency with the Compromise of 1877.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Droughts: The End of the American West Essay -- Climate Change and Dro

Droughts are one of the most expensive natural hazards and have the potential to last for months or even years (U.S. Drought Portal). Along with famine and flooding, droughts are considered one of the top three threats to the population (Oblack). A drought is defined as an unusually long period of time with persistent lack of precipitation that causes serious problems. Several factors that affect the severity of a drought are the degree of moisture deficiency, length, size, and location of where the drought occurs (Droughts). A drought can be categorized four ways. A Meteorological drought occurs when there are significantly lower levels of precipitation than normal. This type of drought is dependent on the region because what would be considered normal precipitation in one area could be different in another region. Agricultural droughts refer to when the amount of moisture is less than what the crop in that area requires. Hydrological droughts are when the water supply in the surface and subsurface of the ground is below normal. Socioeconomic are when the lack of water begins to affect people (Droughts). Droughts are caused when there is less rainfall then normal on a region. When the air sinks (subsidence) there is compressional warming or high pressure, which limits the formation of clouds. As a result, there is lower humidity and less precipitation (Predicting Droughts). Additionally, if there are higher temperatures or shifts in the wind pattern this could cause the evaporation of moisture in the ground to increase (Plumer). Droughts can be aggravated by people’s overuse through heavy pumping and farming of marginal lands that puts a strain on the water supply. Additionally people affect droughts by damming rivers. ... ...id W. Hyndman. Natural Hazards and Disasters. 3rd ed. Australia: Brooks/Cole, 2011. Print. Oblack, Rachelle. â€Å"What Causes Droughts?† About.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. . Plumer, Brad. â€Å"What We Know about Climate Change and Drought.† Wonkblog. Washington Post, 24 July 2012. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. . â€Å"Predicting Droughts.† National Drought Mitigation Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. . â€Å"Predicting Droughts with Greater Certainty.† Science Daily. N.p., 3 June 2009. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. . U.S. Drought Portal. NIDIS, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. .

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How does Emily Bronte succeed in making Heathcliff remain to the reader a “likeable” character in Wuthering Heights?

Wuthering Heights first appeared in May 1846, but it was not the great success it is today, as the book did not sell many copies, following this Emily Bronte along with her sisters sent their novels and poetry along to publishing houses where it was published properly. They deceived the public at first by using pen names, because at that time women were not seen as intelligent or capable enough to write such a novel. The audience of this book would have been upper class, as they would have been the only people who could afford books, and also be able to read them. The public reaction to Wuthiering Heights were fairly mixed for example, these are extracts from magazines or newspapers at the time of Wuthering Heights publishing: New Monthly Magazine from January 1848 â€Å"Wuthering Heights by Ellis Bell is a terrific story† on the other hand: The examiner, 8 January 1848 â€Å"it is wild, confused, disjointed and improbable; and the people who make up the drama†¦are savages.† The law has changed considiberally from the time set in the book, and this is important when reading the book as Heathcliff's revenge revolves around the laws at the time reflecting how wrong they were, which results in Heathcliff an uneducated cuckoo with no money and no family ends up quite legally stealing and cheating his way into wealth and property as part of his revenge caused by the pain he inflicts. He did this quite cleverly through marriage and death, yet his cruel actions don't make the reader hate this disturbed man however much they should, and throughout this essay I will consider all of the various reasons why the audience warm to Heathcliff. As the story of Heathcliffs life begins Nelly Dean, the nursemaid at Thrushcross Grange, is telling it to a tenant – Mr. Lockwood. As a child Nelly Dean, the daughter of the Earnshaw's maid used to spend all her time at Wuthering Heights playing with the children. Mr. Earnshaw went away for a trip to Liverpool where on the streets he found the starving, dark skinned, Heathcliff and brought him home to Wuthering Heights, immediately the rest of the family were alarmed and didn't welcome him and the children rejected him from being in their company. Cathy warmed to Heathcliff quickly as did Mr. earnshaw and he became his favorite child. However Hindley did not and hated him which made him cruel to heathcliff this is where the reader really feels for heathcliff; a poor fatherless child rejected and bullied by half of his new family and yet never complained; â€Å"he would stand Hindley's blows without winking or shedding a tear, and my pinches moved him only to draw a breath and open his eyes, as if he had hurt himself by accident and nobody was to blame.† All this plays a part in the view of Heathcliff later on in the book. Growing up Heathcliff and Cathy were best friends, too fond of each other in fact, and when punishment was endured onto either of them it was for them to be separated. But longing to be with one another, one incident which changed this is when they both snuck out and went to thrushcross grange where the lintons lived they wound them up

Friday, November 8, 2019

10 Exploratory Essay Topics on the Nacirema Culture

10 Exploratory Essay Topics on the Nacirema Culture If you are tasked with writing an exploratory essay on the Nacirema culture, then your job is to ensure you have facts to substantiate the problem and solution you are defining for the audience. In order to do that well, you should review the list of facts below which might be of use to you in your writing. Remember that this list is not comprehensive by any stretch, but it will serve you well as a jumping off point for your research efforts: Nacirema is an anthropological term used to define the study of American behavior and society, and the relationship between different citizens therein. The name is actually derived from the name â€Å"American† but in reverse. The term is a neologism which has attempted to deliberately distance American anthropologists from American culture so as to afford them a more objective viewpoint into the society. The Nacirema culture is a term used in social sciences, one which is based on the 1956 American Anthropologist publication about body rituals among the Nacirema culture. This piece is a satirical piece of writing on the American culture versus â€Å"other† cultures and has been revisited in 2001 in a collection of behavioral medicine, and as revisited yet again specifically under the psychology and behavioral science collection as of 2015. In the satirical paper, the author describes a tribe located in North America about which little is known. The writing expresses information about North American groups from a distance, in spite of being written about the modern group. One of the key items noted by Miner in the documented publication on the Nacirema culture in 1956 is the idea of oral cleanliness among the group, hospital care, and an emphasis on psychiatry. In this piece of writing the Nacirema culture is described as one which has a developed market economy and one which has a rich habit among the people. The work has since become quite famous and been used as a process analysis example and in many textbooks. Among the Nacirema culture, there is a distinct difference between the various healers or medicine men or women. The system is broken down into doctors, pharmacists, as well as psychiatrists. There is a ritual of the mouth which is conducted daily, known as brushing teeth. Washington is a cultural hero and many of the people have a charm box in their home inside of which medicines are contained, known as the medicine cabinet. The use of medicines and teeth brushing are regular rituals among these people. In 1972 another paper was published in the form of a social commentary on the Nacirema culture, focusing specifically on environmental issues which derived from the automobile cult and fascination with automobiles held by the people. This new publication emphasized how the true source of the culture of America was the cars and that the cars were part of the cultural attempt to modify the environment in which they lived. It was written about the Nacirema culture that in all population centers, there are collections of the cult symbol, or the automobile. This was held in high esteem by the people. The collections are a means of reconstructing anthropologically the confidence of principle ideologies of the people. Additional study attested to the fact that the size of mobile devices, materials, and colors corresponded to different values within the Nacirema system and that the devices are used as a form of personalized climate control inside the container. The linguistic pattern of the Nacirema culture has focused on folk linguistic concepts, and on grammar. The findings have stated that while the Nacirema people claim to have only five distinct vowel sounds there are actually nine vowels each of which are phonemically distinct and distinguished based on three degrees of tongue advancement and height. This research highlighted that out of the nine, five are in fact used most commonly and these vowels form the basis of mapping and understanding the language of the people. What was further noted was that the language and the use of distinct vowels was a means to separate the Nacirema people into the caste system, such that certain caste levels used certain tongue placements or heights or specific vowels while others did not. Speech codes have been studies among the Nacirema culture, things which are compared across the middle classes along the West coast and those who live in other areas of the Nacirema regions. These speech codes were crafted in 1992 by Gerry Phillipsen. The name â€Å"Nacirema† has also appeared in the field of philosophy as the title for a fictional country where a role-playing game is set. This role playing game was designed to teach the theory of justice as fairness to undergraduate students. In this game, students are to assume the role of a Nacirema citizen during which time they have to vote on public issues and try to find a solution without forcing anyone else among the group to act or vote in such a way that is against their own will. The purpose of this game is to show students that the only way citizens can gain social fairness is really to ignore individual circumstance such as income, race, religion, or sex and instead focus on those things which impact public living. With these ten facts in mind, you can easily begin the research for your next written work. Remember that your goal in this type of assignment is really to delve into a particular facet, problem, or idea among the topic and from there propose to the reader what solutions exist for the problem and which one you think is best. In order to perform this you may use 20 topics on the Nacirema culture which perfectly suit the purpose. If you have troubles with expressing your thoughts with the help of words, make use of our writing guide on exploratory essays. If you do not agree with any of the options on the table, you can always exercise your creativity by coming up with one that you deem to be best suited to tackling the problem or mitigating the issue you have raised in your work. Visit our essay writing service if you meet with some problems in academic paper writing. References: Kimmel, M. Ritualized Homosexuality In A Nacirema Subculture.  Sexualities  9.1 (2006): 95-105. Web. Mahood, Wayne, and Lyn Rusick. Nacirema, Weans, And Bushmen: Studying Cultures.  The Social Studies  72.4 (1981): 184-187. Web. Miner, Horace. Body Ritual Among The Nacirema.  American Anthropologist  58.3 (1956): 503-507. Web. Philipsen, Gerry.  Speaking Culturally. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992. Print. Spradley, James P, and Michael A Rynkiewich.  The Nacirema. Boston: Little, Brown, 1975. Print. Watson, D. R.  The Textual Representation Of Nacirema Culture. University of Manchester, Department of Sociology, 1992. Print. Watson, Rod.  Analysing Practical And Professional Texts. Farnham, England: Ashgate, 2009. Print.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Overweight In America

Overweight in America How many hit movies have had overweight people play the starring role? How many ads in the personals request heavy men or women? What newspaper articles describe fat women as â€Å"beautiful†? The answer is close to none. W. Charisse Goodman, the author of the 1995 The Invisible Woman: Confronting Weight Prejudice in America. Her thesis is that â€Å"American society tolerates and even encourages prejudice against people, especially women, who are not thin.† The chapter being analyzed here, â€Å"One Picture Is Worth a Thousand Diets†, she discusses the ways in which the media make invisible or deal with disregard women whom are overweight. This depicts the nation’s values when it comes to overweight people. It does, however, spark emotions due to her examples and word choices. In Goodman’s first paragraph, she blames the mass media for encouraging people to â€Å"absorb as many goods as possible far beyond the saturation point.† (Lunsford, 408) She states that people believe the more have, the sexier and more successful they will be. However, when a woman is perceived as being too fat, she finds that she has committed a â€Å"social crime†. She also argues that thinner women are portrayed as sexier, happier, and more dynamic. (409) Even though this principle may not be acceptable, she makes conscious cases for it in the rest of the article. Goodman claims that movies not only lack heavy women, but that heavy men are not as severely criticized for their weight. She states that people consider size in a man a sign of his physical power. She makes a good point when she asks the rhetorical question, â€Å"can anyone imagine a female version of Cheers’ Norm – a lazy, work phobic, beer-guzzling woman who assiduously avoids home and husband – being hailed as funny, let alone ‘beloved’, as one news article put it?† (410) This article has inartistic appeal because it uses facts and evidence. Goodman randomly... Free Essays on Overweight In America Free Essays on Overweight In America Overweight in America How many hit movies have had overweight people play the starring role? How many ads in the personals request heavy men or women? What newspaper articles describe fat women as â€Å"beautiful†? The answer is close to none. W. Charisse Goodman, the author of the 1995 The Invisible Woman: Confronting Weight Prejudice in America. Her thesis is that â€Å"American society tolerates and even encourages prejudice against people, especially women, who are not thin.† The chapter being analyzed here, â€Å"One Picture Is Worth a Thousand Diets†, she discusses the ways in which the media make invisible or deal with disregard women whom are overweight. This depicts the nation’s values when it comes to overweight people. It does, however, spark emotions due to her examples and word choices. In Goodman’s first paragraph, she blames the mass media for encouraging people to â€Å"absorb as many goods as possible far beyond the saturation point.† (Lunsford, 408) She states that people believe the more have, the sexier and more successful they will be. However, when a woman is perceived as being too fat, she finds that she has committed a â€Å"social crime†. She also argues that thinner women are portrayed as sexier, happier, and more dynamic. (409) Even though this principle may not be acceptable, she makes conscious cases for it in the rest of the article. Goodman claims that movies not only lack heavy women, but that heavy men are not as severely criticized for their weight. She states that people consider size in a man a sign of his physical power. She makes a good point when she asks the rhetorical question, â€Å"can anyone imagine a female version of Cheers’ Norm – a lazy, work phobic, beer-guzzling woman who assiduously avoids home and husband – being hailed as funny, let alone ‘beloved’, as one news article put it?† (410) This article has inartistic appeal because it uses facts and evidence. Goodman randomly...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Public Law (LLB) Factoortame judgement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Public Law (LLB) Factoortame judgement - Essay Example ion 2(4) of the ECA is precluded by section 2 of the very same act; which treats legislation that in effect, repeals section 2(4) a violation of EU Treaty obligations5. Claims for damages against the Crown or Parliament, till Factortame, had generally failed in the UK6. The UK courts, in order to promote Parliamentary sovereignty, were initially, reluctant to incorporate EC Law into UK legislation. The ECJ compelled the UK courts to act in accordance with the ECA 1972; while interpreting domestic legislation. They were also required to comply with the ECJ’s rulings7. These developments have been cogently described, by the case law in the sequel. In Pickstone v. Freemans, the House of Lords directly applied Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome, without making a referral to the ECJ8; and interpreted section 2 of the ECA 1972, as precluding UK law, from restraining EC law9. Van Gend11 engendered the all important direct effect concept in EC Law; and Francovich12, Brasserie du PÃ ªcheur13, Factortame14 and KÃ ¶bler15established a damages remedy for violation of EC Law by a Member State. The effectiveness of parliamentary sovereignty can be appraised from the ruling in Factortame, wherein an important piece of legislation was suspended by the House of Lords, thereby affirming the supremacy of EU law over national law. Case C-213/89 Factortame Ltd & others v Secretary of State for Transport (1991) 1 AC 603. ECJ decision dated 19th June 1990 followed by UK House of Lords ruling dated 11th October 1990. Accessed December 19,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Market in econmoy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Market in econmoy - Essay Example In oligopoly the whole market is controlled by small group of firms. Here at least two firms control the market. This market has small competition with high price. Monopolistic competition is an imperfect competition where many producers sell different types products. There are large numbers of customers and sellers. In monopoly market there is a single supplier and large number of buyer. The seller produces a particular commodity. This four types of market rules the economy. The characteristics of perfect competitive market are the buyers and sellers cannot affect the price of the market. Here the firms always try to maximize the profit by increasing the output levels. A huge amount of competition exists in the market. Entry and exit from this market is very easy for the firms. Barriers in entering the market are less. Many small firms are present in a large number (Dwivedi, 2002). Almost identical products are sold by the companies. There is a perfect knowledge of price and technology is present in the market. All the firms in perfect competition maintain almost the same price and faces horizontal demand. In monopolistic competition there are different types of product with many firms. The products of the companies are almost same. The firms produce close substitute products. This market is characterized with various products and many firms. In the long run of monopolistic competition there is no exit and entry cost in the long run. The buyers and sellers are the independent in making decision (Dwivedi, 2009). They don’t have perfect information about the market. The companies in this market incur a huge expenditure on its advertisements for attracting customers. The firms charge the price which is higher than marginal cost. A firm operating in a monopoly market is the only seller of products or services without any such close substitutes. Monopoly market represents a specific economic structure. Monopolies are usually characterized by competition